We make the world green

Take a look around our website and find out who we are, what we do and how we can help you. It's good to have you here.

What we are...

Our clients

We are experienced, reliable and focused on sustainable results and appreciate working with great clients.

Sustainability / Simplicity

Our systems are one-off investments. These systems work for years and can be easily operated and maintained by trained people.

Our Motivation

Our work is our passion and a positive drive for the whole world. It drives us to see challenge as opportunity and to develop new solutions

Get to know the simplest way of weather work

Harmonize waterbodies

By harmonising waters, we achieve more cloud formation, and in extreme cases, temperature reductions to over -10 Grd Celsius. In harmonised waters, biodiversity increases and fish populations recover more and more. The most important thing, however, is the re-establishment of resonance from the water to the sky. 

Start up the weatherflow

There is a simple truth: if you believe in what you are doing, you can achieve great things. That is the reason why we want to help you achieve your goal.
All projects start with the first plant. Here building a plant in Ulaanbaatar / Mongolia. 

Our project - the world 

We are always working on different projects around the world - mostly to generate increasing rainfall for our clients. 
Each location has its own conditions that need to be taken into account. With every task that seems unsolvable, we experiment with completely new concepts and ideas.


In the gallery you will find experiences and results of weather work in many countries.
Lets got and have a look...