Gallery of global activities

Our developments over the years ...

2015 Nature Harmony Station 2.0 
2017 Development of NHS 3.0 and Orgon Beam
2018 first water harmonisation, harmonise trees (free for all)
2019 Large area activation
2020 speed up of weather with D2O Oct. 20 (free for all ) 
2021 Disruption of technical systems (free for all) 
2022 overcoming the east wind problem Oct. 22
2023 Projection of a source into the sky, 
2023 Development of a cloud generator / two versions
2024 Pulsed nails go get humidity into the ground
2024 Special glasballs to activate waterbodies

Activities in many countries worldwide


Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Canary Islands and Balearic Islands, England, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Sardinia, the whole Adriatic coast, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Luxembourg, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Estonia, Georgia, Norway, Israel


Canada, USA, Argentina, Brazil, Paraquay, Uruquay


Namibia, Mali, Gambia, Guinea, Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Tunisia, Egypt (Sinai) , small systems in Morocco and Algeria,


Mongolia, Malaysia, 


Australie (westcoast)

Sahara, Morocco, Zagora
September 2024 - and the rain came back
from 5mm rain in one year to 106mm rain in 3 month

In Zagora, an NHS 3.0 and an orgone beam were installed in the summer of 2024. In addition, many kilometers of coastline near Agadir were activated to increase cloud formation.

Zagora had only 5mm of rain in 12 months from September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024. 

After installation and coastal activation for more clouds and rain, there was 106mm of rain from September 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.

Importantly, the rain came in five portions until December.

Raindata Sep. 2024 to Dec.. 2024

Namibia rain 09/2024

After the activations in December 2023 and January 2024, the small rainy season, which normally only begins in Namibia in October, will start as early as the end of September this year. 

Within a radius of around 500 km, no further rain is to be reported. 
It is therefore clear that the rain is now falling over land. This is the result of the weather work of some good people. 


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Weather work Australia Oct 23 to June 24

Despite many obstacles, extremely high shipping costs from Germany to Australia (4x as expensive as from Australia to Germany), it was possible to bring about a change in the weather with the help of a few very active people. 

Now the predicted storms are turning into gentle land rain, the amount of rain is continuously increasing, no more flooding and everything is greener than ever. 
In the meantime, activation have also taken place in Adelaide and Perth and the activation are moving further and further inland. Even dry areas are receiving more and more rain. 

Thanks to Brad and his team for Australia and nature

Large scale activation in Australia

Nature Harmony Station 2.0 large device 
Orgone beam on the right on the floor (small device) 
Report before installation / no weather flow
The installation is shown 
and you can see the weather flow after the installation 
the farmer where it is installed also has his say. 

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Maps and pictures

Nature - Water activation upper picture

Lower picture a activation block with a working 
radius of 20km 

Upper picture: System for big area activation 
one pink spot is one system

Lower picture:  Photo of an big area activation 
(no energy ore power is needed) 
Orgonbeam left - NHS 3.0 right


Field report; Mallorca March 4, 2024

Background: after several years of increasing drought and, in some cases, extreme rainfall on the other hand, a water emergency was declared in the summer of 2023 in the district of Artà (north-east Mallorca), the water emergency was declared, the public wells were partly empty and were closed. Water was severely rationed for the citizens.

The autumn of 2023 did not bring the hoped-for sufficient rainfall either, and the two reservoirs in the Tramuntana mountains of Mallorca remained far below the usual seasonal levels. On the opposite mainland in the associated region of Catalonia (Barcelona), the reservoirs were already declared a water emergency in winter 2023 during the actual rainy season. This has already resulted in drastic austerity measures for the local agricultural sector.

In the last 3 months of Dec., Jan. and Feb. I have only received 1 x 15 liters of rainfall on my finca. rainfall measured. It is actually the "rainy season". After weeks of sunshine with around 15-25 degrees daytime temperature. Rain clouds move on or are systematically dispersed with spray from airplanes. dispersed with spray from airplanes. (Since the establishment of the NHS 3.0 on July 20, 2023, these "high fog bells" dissolve after half a day at the latest or move on. In May, June and July 2023, there were still unbearable, sauna-like dark clouds here for days).

Delivery of the cloud generator on Friday morning 23.2.2024 in Germany and on Friday evening 23.2.2024 then with private luggage on the plane to Mallorca. Saturday February 24, 2024 (full moon), once again rain clouds coming from the west, closed dark cloud cover. No rain again.

Setting up the cloud generator on Sunday, February 25 at noon. On Sunday afternoon it starts to drizzle very lightly, 5 liters of recipitation. of precipitation. In the days that followed very unusually gentle, even rainfall, the rainwater can gradually penetrate the gradually soften the parched ground. No usual heavy rain!!!

Total amount of precipitation 45 liters from 25.2 - 3.3.2024, in between days/half days with sunshine.

The little squares on the map are the cloudgenerators

Results in Israel 2023 / 2024
longest rainperiod since 1992

Even the low-lying Sea of Galilee is approaching sea level

 05.02.2024 18:27

For the first time since February 1992, it has rained in Israel for 14 days in a row. According to Israeli media reports, the state weather service spoke of a "blessing rain", as the steady rainfall filled the country's natural water reservoirs without causing damage such as flooding.

According to measurements taken by the Israel Meteorological Authority on Monday, the level of the Sea of Galilee rose by 47 centimetres within a week.

The current level of the country's largest freshwater lake was 210.40 metres below sea level on Monday, 2.59 metres above the lower red line of 213 metres and 4.46 metres above the historic low of the lake in 2001 (214.87 metres below sea level). A further rise in the level is expected, according to reports.

In the north and centre of the country, some regions have already reached or exceeded the average annual rainfall. Rainfall in the south of the country in the Negev Desert was below average, with only 13 per cent of the average annual rainfall in some areas.


What was done?

In the north of Israel there is a large-scale activation, the only one in Israel. Pink on the map

The Sea of Galilee has been activated - this means that its restored resonance creates clouds and draws rain into the land. 
In addition, a large part of the Mediterranean Sea near Haifa has been activated, which in turn contributes to cloud formation. 
Water activations are marked in blue on the maps

Results in 2023 after activation in Tunesia in Dec. 2022 

Due to the activation of the Tunisian coast and the 5 large area activations in Tunisia and the new cloud generator set up on November 5, 2023, there was rain in Tripoli. 
According to the Meteostat website, there was no rain there in 2022. In 2023 there was rain on 55 days from 0.1mm which is very little to over 10mm. That alone makes a huge difference for nature and the people around Tripoli. 

North of Kenya / Oct. 2023 

In the north of Kenya, very dry as a semi-desert. After the activations of the waters in Uganda, a large-scale activation in Kampala / Uganda and Eldoreth / Kenya, the river Tarach carries water again on 26 Sept. 2023 coming from Uganda. 
On 18 October it rained in Kakume for 5 hours and then again for 3 hours. The river continues to flow north into even drier areas. 

See this fantastic cloud formation and how nature recovers there. 

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Mongolia from May 2023 to August 2023 Gobi Desert

The river was still 2 m wide and a hand's breadth deep. Now it is about 15m wide and knee deep. Before, it sank after a few kilometres and today it continues for 50 - 80 kilometres until it reaches the Red Lake, which had dried up for years. 

Pictures from the Mongolia region around Saikhan-Ovoo in the Middle Gobi. The picture with the brown, parched landscape shows the vegetation on 9 May 2023. The other pictures are from 25 August 2023. The rain forecast was: It won't rain this year. 

Cloudbuster, natural harmony station and orgone beam in source installation 

Setting up the NHS in Mandal-Ovoo

NHS 2.0 

Orgon beam as source installation somewhat improvised

Developers of the system on site in the Middle Gobi

Sheep and goats that find plenty of fodder. The year before, the Normads moved their herds 100-200km to find fodder. This year, they were in one location after a severe dry winter. 

The river south of Saikhan-Ovoo with unusually much water in August... 

only 3 month...

Video 1 9th.March 2023 Gobi desert Mongolis Region Saikhan Ovoo
Video 2 25th August 2023 Gobi desert Mongolis Region Saikhan Ovoo
Rainforcast for 2023 was no rain in the normad TV in Mongolia

Tunesia 2022

We were in Tunisia from Dec 1, 2022 to Dec 29, 2023 to commission five stations. In addition, the remaining water areas and coastal strips were activated / harmonised.

2-3 weeks after activation with orgone beam and NHS, there was dew on the cars and plants in the morning at almost all locations. 
In countries like Tunisia, you don't think about which waters to activate, you take everything you can get. Sea, rivers, streams, irrigation reservoirs, and fallow land. 

At all locations where water was harmonised, a lot of clouds were observed 1-2 days later. 
Cloud formation depending on evaporation is a nice fairy tale that is repeated over and over again - but it will never come true. 

Rain for Uruquay

After three years of severe drought in Uruquay, waters from Paraquay to the estuary near Buenos Aires were harmonised and a large-scale activation system was installed. 
Together with the older activation at Cordoba in Argentina, the rain is now being drawn into the country. 
The courageous work of a handful of people with heart has saved agriculture there. 


Here in Mali, they see two plants, each small and good. And you see how local people are involved in activating their nature.

A year after the first activations, a plant was set up in Timbuktu in northern Mali. After another year, a French newspaper wrote an article
Rising waters in Timbuktu: "unprecedented since 1993 - - Montée des eaux à Tombouctou : « du jamais vu depuis 1993 »


Here in Namibis, the first smaller units were installed in Africa

Picture 1: Area around Otjiwarongo in the rainy season 
Picture 2: Area around Windhoek with comparison picture 2022
Picture 3: Nature harmony station 2.0 with eagle on top
Photo 4: November 2022 First rain comes unusually from the sea